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- Date: Thu, 5 May 94 04:30:07 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
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- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #490
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Thu, 5 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 490
- Today's Topics:
- Gun Owners: Protect your Rights!
- Luck Hurder ... gone:( Why?
- Mobile Antenna Experience
- Morse football
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 4 May 1994 16:17:46 GMT
- From: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.umbc.edu!eff!news.duke.edu!duke.edu!jbs@ames.arpa
- Subject: Gun Owners: Protect your Rights!
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- >Typical of you NRA wackos, you have abused the media by placing
- >this issue in an amateur radio forum to make your absurd case.
- >No one needs assault weapons. Any one with any sense will urge
- >congress to BAN ALL ASSAULT WEAPONS immediately.
- >
- Chuck, there is not even a *definition* of "assault weapon." You sound
- like one of the millions of sheep who believe the TV media and the lying
- president and secretary of the treasury when they tell you the firearms
- they're trying to ban are used disproportionately in crime, are "the choice
- of gang members, drug dealers and terrorists," are "rapid-fire," are "high-
- powered," and fire more than one bullet with a pull of the trigger.
- It's really sad how ignorant people like you are. It's even sadder that you
- people seem to agree with Bill Clinton's position that the second amendment
- to the Constitution is about hunting.
- >Wake up.
- >KF2U
- Go back to sleep.
- -joe
- Followups to talk.politics.guns.
- They cling to me appealing from their fathers. The boy is Ignorance.
- The girl is Want. Beware of them both, and all of their degree, but
- most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which
- is Doom. Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious
- purposes, and bide the End.
- -- Charles Dickens
- --
- "When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it."
- - U.S. President Bill Clinton, 1994
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 4 May 94 15:01:18 GMT
- From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10!tkell@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Luck Hurder ... gone:( Why?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I have seen a number of comments about needing to findout what the actual
- problem was before storming the Bastile. Well, I found the following
- during my wanderings about the net.
- 73
- Ted
- !@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@
- Date: 17-Apr-94 19:19 EDT
- From: W4MLE <thurston@freenet.fsu.edu>
- Subj: Why THE ARRL fired Luck Hurder
- Many ARRL volunteers in Florida were surprised last week
- to learn that Luck Hurder KY1T had been was fired from his
- position as Deputy Field Services Manager at ARRL. This job
- brought him into frequent contact with Amateurs all over the
- country. He was one of the people at ARRL HQ who nearly always
- answered his mail promptly and could be counted on to do
- exactly as he promised. With his permission, given by telephone
- this date, here is his own explanation.
- -0-
- Email from Luck Hurder 17 April 1994 to W4MLE and WA4PUP:
- "Those of you who know me well will immediately understand why
- I couldn't possibly abide by what follows, but for the record,
- my final conversation with Rick Palm was to the effect that yes,
- I would in fact abide by everything contained therein, PROVIDED
- that each and every ARRL HQ employee be asked to sign a similar
- document. They declined. Rick's last words to ME were, `then you
- give me no alternative but to terminate your employment'.
- 73 - Luck Hurder KY1T"
- ----------------------
- Here is the text of what Rick Palm wanted Hurder to sign:
- "The problem of Mr. Hurder's external communications has been
- called to his attention before (see attached memoranda, for
- example)*, so this is nothing new. The inappropriate content,
- and tone of Mr. Hurder's communications have continued and
- have been damaging to the organization.
- "Poor judgment leading to these inappropriate communications
- has served to reduce the credibility of the organization with
- members and volunteers.
- "The most recent situation, as documented in the attached,
- regards the repeated inappropriate dissemination of internal
- policy through electronic communications, and inappropriate
- communications with field volunteers.** The organization will
- not tolerate any further instances of this behavior.
- "The addendum Mr. Hurder appended to an e-mail message presented
- publicly, in an inappropriate manner, an internal business
- policy, despite Mr. Hurder's opportunity to discuss the policy
- as a member of the management team at a manager's meeting a
- week earlier. The policy was communicated succinctly to Mr.
- Hurder at that time,*** and was followed up in a written
- memorandum to all staff a week later.
- "To help the organization rectify the instant situation, Mr.
- Hurder must:
- "1. Issue an apology (approved by the undersigned in advance
- of release) to the subject correspondents and any other
- correspondent who received the addendum. Additionally, an
- apology (approved by the undersigned in advance of release)
- must be issued to the affected Director(s).
- "2. Refrain from commenting externally on this, or any,
- internal business policy.
- "3. Refrain from issuing inappropriate and potentially
- destructive communications externally again.
- "4. Conduct his correspondence so that it will not come to the
- point where the organization is forced to review every piece of
- outgoing mail to ensure its integrity. If this happens, then it
- will be deemed that he is unsuitable for the position of Deputy
- Manager.
- "5. Failure to comply with all of the above will result in
- immediate termination of employment."
- (Signed) Richard Palm. Dated 4/13/94
- Luck Hurder would not sign.
- -0-
- * In a telephone interview, Luck said the attached documents
- "were about 10 pages of gripes from directors about my `bad
- attitude'" as it related to board actions.
- ** The "inappropriate content" referred to explaining to
- members that copies of all communications had to be sent to
- the appropriate ARRL director. "On email, I tacked on a
- disclaimer saying please be aware that a copy of this is going
- to your elected ARRL Director, and quoted a staff edict saying
- failing to do this would result in a poor annual review.
- "Most email messages I handled every day had no indication of
- where the message came from, hence no clue to which was the
- `appropriate director.' I asked Rick how to tell which one.
- And he said `that's already been discussed,' but wouldn't tell
- me the outcome of the discussion."
- --
- George Thurston W4MLE, Tallahassee FL
- COMPUSERVE: 72417,2466 - INTERNET: thurston@freenet.fsu.edu
- (
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 May 1994 16:11:53 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!ucsnews!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!jericho.mc.com!fugu!levine@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Mobile Antenna Experience
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article 858@netcom.com, dgf@netcom.com (David Feldman) writes:
- -->In article <2q3458$rfp@news.acns.nwu.edu> r-dewan@nwu.edu (Rajiv Dewan, ARS AA9CH) writes:
- -->>In article <2ptl17$kt4@hebron.connected.com> jfreedmn@hebron.connected.com
- -->>(Jeffrey A. Freedman) writes:
- -->>>Has anyone had any experience (either positive or negative) with
- -->>>the OUTBACKER MOBILE ANTENNA? I am considering installing an HF
- -->
- -->>some more while driving to Dayton this last weekend. A while ago
- -->>some one had posted a comparison of a bunch of mobile antennas which
- -->>rated them based on field strength measurements. The outbacker was
- -->>dead last and the bugcatcher first - with a factor of 50 or so. That is
- -->>17db!
- -->>
- -->
- -->If someone saved this, could you please e-mail or post it? I've been looking
- -->for just this data while trying to decide if/how to replace my roof-mounted
- -->hustler antenna.
- -->
- -->73 Dave WB0GAZ dgf@netcom.com
- I have heard the same data before.
- Regarding the bugcatchers, there are a few varieties it seems.
- Any differences between the style with the capacitance hat
- and the style without? Also, the dude from Texas Antennas (?)
- at Dayton pointed out that their model with the little coil
- at the bottom (besides the monster coil in the middle), allowed
- a much larger 2:1 swr range on 80 (and 40?). Any experiences?
- ---
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Bob Levine KD1GG 7J1AIS VK2GYN formerly KA1JFP
- levine@mc.com <--Internet email Phone(508) 256-1300 x247
- kd1gg@wa1phy.ma <--Packet Mail FAX(508) 256-3599
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 May 1994 15:12:02 GMT
- From: athos.cc.bellcore.com!oscar!hw@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Morse football
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I came across an interesting item in the current
- issue of the British publication "Practical Wireless."
- Remember as you read it that "football" in England
- means "soccer" in the U.S.
- Harold
- KB2M
- *********************************************************
- Morse Football
- Did you know that fans at football matches are Morse
- experts? Well I didn't either until Mike Stott G0NEE
- told me. Apparently, if you listen to the shouts and
- the clapping, one of the clapping sequences is:
- CLAP CLAP clap clap clap clap clap clap CLAP CLAP
- _ _ . . . . . . _ _
- This, as you can see represents 73 in Morse. After some
- investigation Mike has come up with the facts. It all
- started just after the start of the Second World War and
- the earliest date of its use that he can find was in the
- winter of 1940.
- This was used by the fans as a way of sending "Best Wishes"
- to their football team. Morse code was used because at
- that time a large number of the general public could read
- and send Morse code - not only from its use in being a
- member of the armed forces but also in every day from the
- youth organisations at the time! So now you know.
- (Practical Wireless, May 1994)
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #490
- ******************************